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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Adverse drug action

Many medicines, providing a useful therapeutic effect, cause unwanted reactions. Adverse reactions can occur when receiving any medication. The frequency of outpatient treatment when reaches 10-12%, and 0,5-5% of them are serious and require hospitalization.
The most common side-effects of medicines there shortly after the start of treatment. Mutagenic and teratogenic effects are likely to occur after months or even years (
lumineers procedure).
Teratogenic Effects inherent protivoopuholevym means glyukokortikosteroidam, androgenam, fenotiazinam, alcohol, etc., carcinogenic tsiklofosfamidu - perhaps some hormonal drugs.
Classification side effects
Side effects associated with the pharmacological properties of drugs.
Toxic complications arising from the absolute or relative overdose of medicinal substances.
Secondary effects arising from the violation of the body's immune properties (weakening of immune reactions disbakterioz, kandidamikoz etc.).
Allergic reactions (immunological) immediate and delayed type.
Lifting syndrome, the current long-term care after the termination of certain medicines.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Drug rehab and increasingly serious problem

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